As you may recall, “Jason!” is an iconic line from the opening scene of PS3 exclusive Heavy Rain. It’s even gained enough attention, Astro’s Playroom has a reference to it which you’ll need to find to unlock the aptly-named bronze hidden trophy. Here’s where you’ll need to go.
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Which stage does it rain in?
- Once you do, look for the four Trophies located in the PS4 quadrant of the Labo area, near the bottom of the ramp up to the entrance of the room. Jump onto the table and press Square to.
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- Hello guys, since the bot GE3 got only 3 trophies, i made this bot that gets you all the 5 trophies all the time (unless you die in the battle or it gets stuck in a room).This bot doesn't kill the cap'n, instead waits till you get 1000 points.(Depends on your class(the current delay is for shaman, but i think you can change it by yourself if you know how to use cetera)).
The trophy is actually one of the first you have the opportunity to get. With the objective being to find cover when it begins raining, start by making your way through Memory Meadow’s first stage, Gusty Gateway. You’ll want to progress until you’re at the large black towers that are in the shape of memory chips.
Where to find cover
When you’re in the correct area, Astro will pull out an umbrella hat. As it starts to pour, instead of going in between the towers, look to your right where there will be a bot sleeping in the grass with an origami crane on its stomach. Behind the bot, there will be a small black awning you can retreat under. Once the umbrella is put away, the Jason! trophy should be all yours.
The post Where to find shelter for the Jason! trophy in Astro’s Playroom appeared first on Gamepur.
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