AQW Bot List
- Best AQW Farming Classes Updated As of 6/26/2020 If you are an AQW player you must be thinking which is the best class to farm on AQW to make your farm more efficiently, but before that you also might be bored to use the same class overtime, so today i want to tell you about my opinion which classes is the best for farming, which you can maximize your farm also to give you how to having fun on.
- 'Defeat the Guardian Spirit' quest, Kill Guardian Spirit on /join elfhame map and it gives you 1500 Rep: Brightoak. But to access this quest you have to do the brightoak storyline quest until you join the elfhame map, and complete all the quest on this map and repeat the 'Defeat the Guardian Spirit' quest until you rank up to 10.
AQW Chaos Rep Bot - 2020. Tap to unmute /. RedDogClifford 572 subscribers. AQW Good Rep Bot - 2020. Tap to unmute /.
Aqw Rep Farm
*Use CTRL F to search for bots!
Aegis Rep Bot
Arcangrove Rep Bot
Chaos Rep Bot
Chaos Militia Rep Bot
Chaos Rep Bot
Chaos Militia Rep Bot
ChronoSpan Rep Bot
DoomWood Rep Bot
Dreadfire Keep Rep Bot
Dwarfhold Rep Bot
Etherstorm Rep Bot
Evil Rep Bot
Faerie Court Rep Bot
Good Rep Bot
Horc Rep Bot
Lycan Rep Bot
Mythsong Rep Bot
Ravenloss Rep Bot
Sandsea Rep Bot
Swordhaven Rep Bot
ThunderForge Rep Bot
Troll Rep Bot
Vampire Rep Bot
Corrupt Draconic Paragon Set Bot
Dark Crystal Shard Bot
Fresh Soul & Unidentified 36 Bot
Hollowborn Oblivion Blade Bot List
Hollowborn Oblivion Blade Parts Bot
Legion Token Bot
Nulgath (Larvae) Bot
Tainted Gem Bot
Totem & Gem of Nulgath Bot
Tainted Gem Bot
Totem & Gem of Nulgath Bot
Sandsea Rep Bot
Grimoire :
*If you don't have a strong enough class to complete the /djinngate quest-line use the bot above.
Aqw Rep Boost Items
*If you have already finished the quest-line at /djinngate, then use the bot below.
*If you haven't done the quest-line but you have a strong class, don't bother doing it. The quest-line is not worth your time.
Grimoire :
*You must have finished the quest-line in /djinngate. This is definitely the fastest way to get exp in Sandsea, but its not worth your time to do the quest-line.
*Don't forget to set you class.